The Moldovan Bankers’ League Moldova, under the aegis of the EUROPEAN BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES TRAINING ASSOCIATION (EBTN), launched today the second group of participants within the banking training program – EUROPEAN FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE IN BANKING (EFCB).
The EBTN ( is an Association of leading European Bank Training Institutes. In 2001 EBTN decided to develop, in close co-operation with 18 members of 16 European countries, a Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project entitled European Foundation Certificate in Banking (EFCB).
The EFCB certificate can only be delivered by an Accredited Institute. Accreditation takes place through the Accreditation and Certification Committee of EBTN. The main objective of the Accreditation and Certification Committee is to assure the quality of the examination. The EFCB is issued by the EBTN. The Moldovan Bakers’ League became associate member of the EBTN in October 2013.
The holder of the EFCB certificate is recognized as a specialist in the banking industry, in any country of the EU, according to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training – CEDEFOP ( Promoting the EFCB in the Republic of Moldova will contribute to improving the quality of financial intermediation, and will ultimately benefit the customers and the national economy. In addition, this will create opportunities for a large number of employees of banks and other financial institutions by creating a solid foundation for their professional and career growth. In addition, the EFCB holder will have the opportunity to access to other programs with certification offered by the institutions that are members of EBTN (eg Chartered Banker Diploma).
The study program is addressed to the bank employees who want to enhance their professional knowledge and skills related to the banking and financial services industry and to all those who feel the need to be prepared for those transformations demanded by the EU integration process of the Republic of Moldova. The program is also addressed to the representatives of nonbank financial sector (microfinance institutions, leasing, savings and loans associations), as well as to master’s candidate and students in the final year of graduate studies in economics.
The EFCB second cohort launch event was attended by 20 participants to the program, the management and members of MBL, representatives of the banking and non-banking sector, the authors of the course material, program trainers from the Republic of Moldova and from abroad to offer consultations during the program, MBL partners.