General Assembly of members:
The supreme governing body of the Association is the General Assembly of members, which holds ordinary and extraordinary meetings.
The General Assembly has the following main tasks:
- Adopting and amending the Statute of the Association;
- Determining the main directions of activity of the Association;
- Analyzing and approving the annual budget and annual financial statements;
- Appointing and removing members of the Administrative Council and of the Audit Committee, the President of the Association;
- Determining the amount of the membership fee;
- Deciding on the reorganization or liquidation of the Association;
- Deciding on any other issues related to the activity of the Association;
Administrative Council
The Administrative Council consists of 3 members. The Administrative Council is subordinated to the General Assembly and is entitled with the following competences:
- Establishing the development strategy, outlining the main directions of activity of the Association, presenting them for approval to the General Assembly;
- Ensuring the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and presenting reports to the General Assembly on activity of the Association;
- Approving internal regulations of the Association;
- Approving staff structure, budget, remuneration method and the pay scale for Association employees;
- Establishing, within the existing legal framework, the material responsibility of the President of the Association;
- Establishing terms and procedures for accepting new members, membership withdrawals;
- Approving the seal, stamp, symbols and letterheads of the Association;
- Approving the admission and withdrawal of members;
- Deciding, establishing, reorganizing, and liquidation of regional units of the Association;
- Deciding on Association’s participation in non-profit organizations and commercial associations;
- Deciding on all matters, which are not within the exclusive competence of other bodies of the Association.
Members of the Administrative Council of the MBL (elected for a five-year term)
- Alexandru PELIN – Chairman of the Administrative Council
- Grigore FURTUNA- member of the Administrative Council
- Valeriu SAVIN – member of the Administrative Council
President of the Association (elected for a five-year term)
- Dumitru URSU
Audit Committee of the MBL (elected for a five-year term)
- Valeriu IAȘAN – Chairman of the Audit Committee
- Elena PUNGA – member of the Audit Committee