The MBL’s Mission

The public association MOLDOVAN BANKERS’ LEAGUE was founded on March 12, 2013 by decision of the General Assembly of the founding members and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova on April 15, 2013, pursuant to Law on Public Associations No. 837 – XIII of 17.05.1996.

Moldovan Bankers’ League is a nongovernmental, apolitical, and non-profit organization, created by the free will of individuals associated together to achieve the goals defined in the Statute. The League operates under the principles of freedom of association, equality of all members, and free expression of opinion, self-management and self-administration.

The members of the Moldovan Bankers’ League could be citizens of the Republic of Moldova and foreign nationals who are eligible for membership. Eligibility criteria include: work experience in banking of at least five years, good reputation, no criminal records, and letters of recommendation. Also, according to the statutory provisions, the honorable membership can be granted to domestic and foreign remarkable personalities, who contributed to the development of the financial sector through their activities, or were remarkable in other areas of the national economy or public activity.

The mission of the Moldovan Bankers’ League is to promote and strengthen the role of the banking industry in the national economy and to support the banker’s image and professional dignity in the society.

To achieve its goal, the Moldovan Bankers’ League sets the following tasks:

  • Promoting best practices, standards and international principles in banking services, and in latter’s relationship with Moldovan business and society ;
  • Providing support and assistance to state bodies in harmonizing the financial activities legal framework with that of the European standards;
  • Establishing and maintaining cooperation with external development partners of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Communicating and dialoguing with government institutions of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Formulating and presenting to competent authorities and the public a consolidated position of the Association members in respect to laws and regulations in the banking sector or other related areas;
  • Presenting the common position of the members on policies pursued by the authorities responsible for the supervision and regulation of financial institutions;
  • Contributing to a positive image in the society of the banking sector and banker’s profession;
  • Participating actively in providing continuous training for employees of the banking sector and other areas;
  • Cooperating with associations and similar organizations from other countries and participating as a full or honorary member, or as an observer in international organizations and forums;
  • Organizing and encouraging the collaboration among members, and promoting their interests to the extent that it does not interfere with banking policies and regulations;
  • Providing support for its members and helping disadvantaged people through the establishment of charitable funds;
  • Disseminating the information regarding the activity of the Association, and establishing permanent relations with mass media;
  • Contributing through its members’ activity to strengthening the rule of law and democratic values in the Republic of Moldova.